Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Create a Personal Pathway with These Unique Stepping Stones

Create a Personal Pathway with These Unique Stepping Stones

Another thing to think about is how to plant stepping stones properly. If you're installing them in grass, getting the height right is the most important factor. You want your stepping stones height to be set just above the roots of the turf grass. If the stepping stones are set too low, the grass will grow over it and make it appear as if they are sinking. If they are set too high you won't be able to mow them easily.

If you are planting them in soil, make sure to tamp down the soil where the stone will go so they don’t sink over time. The best way to do this is to set the stones in the garden, then lift each one, dig a little bit of soil away, and soak the area with a hose. Press the wet soil down firmly to compact and level it. Add in more loose soil until you have a solid base for the stepping stone that is the right height. Plant the stepping stone in the garden so that the height is just a hair above the soil line. Plant ground creepers such as woolly thyme or Ajuga around the pavers to complete the look. Use a hose with a spray nozzle to clean off the stones and send more soil in to fill in the gaps.

Original article and pictures take www.ebay.com site

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