I love the look of salvaged doors and windows in the garden, especially when something in the junk pile is given a new life. The ideas here come from garden tours and a few are from my own garden. I’ll show you ideas for repurposing thrifted doors and windows plus some others including using stained-glass windows outdoors and mirrored window frames.
12+ Ideas for using doors and windows in the garden. Repurpose from the thrift shop or junk pile and see what you can make for your backyard including arbors and privacy screens.
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Reusing Old Doors and Windows
Doors and windows too leaky and creaky to be useful? Give them a new life in the garden.
Whether you like them rustic or painted, there are plenty of ways to use them as structures and art.
Here’s some ideas to get you started.
12+ Ideas for using doors and windows in the garden. Repurpose from the thrift shop or junk pile and see what you can make for your backyard including arbors and privacy screens. 12+ Ideas for using doors and windows in the garden. Repurpose from the thrift shop or junk pile and see what you can make for your backyard including arbors and privacy screens. 12+ Ideas for using doors and windows in the garden. Repurpose from the thrift shop or junk pile and see what you can make for your backyard including arbors and privacy screens. Bold green door: this one was in a garden nursery: 4. Stained glass windows in the garden
12+ Ideas for using doors and windows in the garden. Repurpose from the thrift shop or junk pile and see what you can make for your backyard including arbors and privacy screens.
5. Mirrored windows in the garden
12+ Ideas for using doors and windows in the garden. Repurpose from the thrift shop or junk pile and see what you can make for your backyard including arbors and privacy screens.
12+ Ideas for using doors and windows in the garden. Repurpose from the thrift shop or junk pile and see what you can make for your backyard including arbors and privacy screens. Optical illusion garden mirror Optical Illusion Art for Miniature Garden 6. Brightly painted window frame Paint an old window and use it to add some interest to the garden. Easy! 12+ Ideas for using doors and windows in the garden. Repurpose from the thrift shop or junk pile and see what you can make for your backyard including arbors and privacy screens. Vertical succulent planters have become very popular in recent years. The top one uses a picture frame. The bottom one is made with a window frame. Old window frame garden art 12+ Ideas for using doors and windows in the garden. Repurpose from the thrift shop or junk pile and see what you can make for your backyard including arbors and privacy screens. Sometimes plain is best. This old window breaks up the monotony of the long wooden fence. 10. Faux Doors and Windows See more here: Faux Doors and Windows on a Fence.
Create a mini greenhouse from old windows
Here I used a plain window and dressed it up with a watering can, a moon face, and a window box. 12+ Ideas for using doors and windows in the garden. Repurpose from the thrift shop or junk pile and see what you can make for your backyard including arbors and privacy screens. 12+ Ideas for using doors and windows in the garden. Repurpose from the thrift shop or junk pile and see what you can make for your backyard including arbors and privacy screens. This is from my garden. The window frame and shutters came from the garbage and thrift shop on a lucky day where the sizes matched perfectly. I took this photo on one of my first garden tours. These old salvaged doors launched my own garden junk fever. Farm house door makeover Here’s an industrial convex mirror hanging on the side of a garage. I love these! Industrial convex mirror on a garage overlooking the garden Industrial convex mirror on a garage overlooking the garden Original article and pictures take empressofdirt.net site
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