Last week I shared this post with five tutorials for styling shoulder length hair. Not to leave you long-haired ladies out, this week I’ve compiled five of my favorite hair styling tutorials for long hair. I’m growing my hair out now (I think… we’ll see how that goes before I get sick of the awkward stages and chop it again.) so hopefully someday I’ll be able to try some of these out. In the meantime, enjoy!
Adorable, quick and easy updo. This little vintage-inspired number totally has an Audrey Hepburn “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” vibe! Marlenka gives lots of step by step pics with text, as well as different ideas for dressing it up.
This tutorial has great pointers for smoothing out unruly hair, plus step-by-step instructions to complete this voluminous wrap around braided hairstyle.
This super cute braided bun would look adorable with or without bangs and looks effortless. I also love how it’s accented with a bow in this photo! Manuela also has several other tutorials on her blog as well.
These “maiden braids” are similar to milkmaid braids, and can be worn up, or half down. It works on shoulder length or longer hair, and is a quick and fun style to add to your hairstyle wardrobe.
With many of us living with smaller outdoor spaces, the popularity of houseplants is on the rise. Bringing them into our homes creates an oasis of peace after a long and stressful day. As the concrete jungle closes around us, we can create our own living jungles to retreat to.
House plants have a host of other perks too. They look great intermixed with interior design, can improve indoor air quality, are less demanding than other pets, and some of them will also produce fruit and other edibles.
These five edible houseplants are presented with basic plant information, care instructions, and where to get a hold of one online.
Tomatoes and potatoes are actually related. This means when the top of a tomato plant is grafted onto the roots of a potato it will grow! You can buy this fun two-in-one plant to grow either in the house or on small patios and it will give you a harvest of both sweet cherry tomatoes and up to five pounds of white potatoes.
Imagine growing your own green gold — fresh avocados. While many trees will reach 40 or more feet in height, dwarf varieties can stop at 8-10. The plant itself is tall and leafy and you’ll have more chance of getting your tree to flower and fruit if you buy one that’s been bred to be raised in containers.
I’ve had a Calamondin Orange Tree for the past ten years and it produces small orange-like fruit and beautifully scented flowers every year. The fruit look like mini tangerines but are very tart so are probably better to use in place of limes or lemons in a recipe.
Calamondin and other dwarf citrus trees are relatively easy to grow and their fruit can be left on the tree for months. That means you pick them at your leisure and leave them as decor for the rest of the time.
Care & Situation
Requires a bright situation with at least four hours of sunlight a day
Water thoroughly and allow the soil to dry out a little before watering again
Flowers may need to be hand-pollinated with a paint brush
Does best in compost for citrus trees but multipurpose will work as well
Some Chili Peppers make great houseplants. Depending on the variety, you can get compact and attractive plants that have mature chilies for weeks at a time. The fruits generally begin green and then transition to yellow, orange, or red so makes for interesting watching. You can also get ornamental chilies like the ‘Bolivian Rainbow Chili’ that have purple, red, and yellow fruit all on the same plant.
Care & Situation
Chilies require a bright situation and plenty of warmth
The compost should be quite rich or supplemented with regular feeds
Watering chilies sparingly keeps the plants more compact
Take care when handling chilies since they can cause burning and irritation if you touch your eyes, nose, or other sensitive areas afterwards.
Ornamental chilies can be eaten but are usually extremely hot
The most traditional of edible houseplants, garden herbs have been made far too disposable by modern supermarkets. The live plants that you can get in the shop are not bred for longevity and so you need to buy them time and time again. Invest in good quality perennial garden herbs like chives, thyme, peppermint, and sage, and you’ll have healthy plants that will thrive for years.
Care & Situation
Most require a bright and sunny position
Perennial garden herbs will grow for years
Annual or biennial garden herbs will grow for a season or at most two. These include parsley and coriander (cilantro)
Each will have different water and soil requirements but remember it’s always better to under-water than to over-water.
All need good drainage
Some plants can be propagated to create new ones including sage, basil, and rosemary
Having herbs growing near your kitchen will encourage you to use them in preparing meals
I’m adding this one in as a bonus plant. Much loved by interior designers, the Fiddle Leaf Fig grows well in well-lit yet indirect sunlight and normal humidity. At 3-5 years old becomes a stunning ornamental house plant making this plant is all the rage with stylish plant lovers.
Though the Fiddle Leaf Fig can produce figs it usually only happens when the plant is in an outdoor position. Still, there is a chance it could produce edibles in your home and it’s attractiveness will no doubt convince you to bring it into the fold.
Care & Situation
Requires a well-lit situation out of direct sunlight
Normal humidity
Soil needs good drainage so mixing your compost with perlite is a good idea
Water only when the soil becomes slightly dry
Slow growing but can grow to 12 feet high in 15 years. Pruning can keep them smaller though.
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I LOVE fall….but I hate when my hair starts to get dry and when the wind blows it just goes crazy! So I have been pinning some cute DIY hair styles for fall and thought I would share!!
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5 DIY Bang Cutting Tutorials That Will Make Messing Up Your Hair Impossible bangs graphic
(Princess Hickmond for The Gloss)
I know it sounds a little weird and shallow, but I’ve had bangs for so long at this point that they’re starting to feel like part of my identity. When they’re too long or too dirty to wear down, I just don’t feel like myself. Perhaps my fellow fringe-havers know what I mean. Bangs and I are going to be together as long as I have hair. Unfortunately, maintaining the perfect curvature and length requires a lot of upkeep, so I end up running around with awkward hair a lot of the time. Who has the time to be running to the salon just to have their forehead accessory tended to? Not I.
In the past, trying to cut my own bangs has gone terribly wrong and resulted in coiffure disasters that took years to repair. Sometimes, if I was very careful, my at-home bang trims were successful. More often than not, I would just drunkenly succumb to emotionally hacking away at my hair. My new goal is to be more consistently methodological about my at-home haircuts, because I’m a grown woman who wants to look more polished and less like the little girl who let her big sister do her hair with a pair of safety scissors. Lucky for me and other people with bangs, the internet has loads of bang trimming tutorials.
Here are 5 different methods for DIY bang trims for you to choose from:
I’m Barb Rosen of Our Fairfield Home and Garden, a newly retired fifth grade teacher, passionate home gardener, Lab lover and home improvement junkie from Wilmington, Delaware. Gardening has always been a part of my life from tending the family veggie patch as a kid, nursing windowsill houseplants at college and as a young apartment dweller to, finally, having gardens and a home of my own.
Except for the large pines and a few foundation bushes, this garden just had its fifth birthday. When we bought the house, most of the yard was covered in ivy or pachysandra. To date, I have lugged about twenty yards of mulch, three pallets of river stone and dug too many holes to count. You don’t want to arm wrestle me. Pulling all that ivy has given me some “guns”!
Not a horticulturist by any means, I am largely self-taught through years of reading and lots of trial and error. Attending garden lectures, visiting botanical gardens and swapping tips and information with friends have provided a rich and varied education. My own garden and plant knowledge is still constantly developing. So, join me as I dig in the dirt and try out new projects to decorate inside and out!
Succulent Wreaths, made with a pair of panty hose, any size, filled with soil and twined around itself, and wired onto a wire wreath form. The succulents will root right through the nylon, so you don’t need to risk a run by cutting a hole. These are fun project that only takes a few minutes to build, although best results are from at least a few months in a horizontal position; see more here;
About Jacki
“My name is Jacki Cammidge, and I garden in Zone 5 in Grand Forks, British Columbia in a peaceful wooded canyon with lots of birds and wildlife – I’m free to be creative and innovative; you should see some of my other plant-able crafts…”
Jacki’s blog is null, featuring rustic crafts. Note: Jacki’s blog is where I first found instructions for my hypertufa projects.
Melissa J Will’s chandelier from junk
Melissa J Will, of Ontario, Canada, blogger at Empress of Dirt says, “This is a garden art chandelier I made from some old junk. I used an old metal lamp shade, lamp crystals, flat bottom marbles, and copper wire. This is actually the first garden art project I ever made!
I learned early on that making garden art is a great way to repurpose otherwise unwanted items, fills the garden with interest while waiting for the plants to mature, and provides a great excuse for spending more time outdoors.” I like the texture of the heavy link chain that contrasts with the thin metal of the light shade. The flat gems add more texture and of course there is the ‘bling factor!’
About Melissa
“After working on my dream garden in a small city for 15 years (zone 5), two years ago we had to relocate to rural Ontario, Canada (zone 6). Our new home came with a big, grass lot so I had both the grief of leaving the old garden behind and the opportunity to start over completely from scratch,” Melissa tells us.
“I blog about gardening and garden art DIY at Empress of Dirt, sharing creative and frugal home and (mostly) garden ideas including trash to treasure recycled garden art projects.”
Carlene’s kitchen themed fairy garden
Carlene Blair from Minnesota says, “This is my 2013 Kitchen Fairy Garden made with vintage lids, jello molds, a cooking pot, measuring cups, a vintage baking powder tin, funnel with a cork, and an ice cube tray.” I particularly like the star shaped stepping stones,…see? And the ice tray makes an ingenious fairy sized ‘square foot’ garden.
About Carlene
”I am the mother of 3 grown children, grandmother of 2, and work 4 days each week selling furniture. I live in northern Minnesota, and chronicle my collecting, and decorating with vintage items in my home and gardens on my blog Organized Clutter.”
Carol Speake’s compost screen
And on the practical gardening side for those of you who have compost bins, Carol Speake of The Gardening Cook who writes, tell us how to use old garden center trays as a compost sifter.
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5 Beauty Tips To Change Your Curly Hair Tips and Tricks
Naturally Curly Hair Tips And Tricks For Your Curls
Curly hair tips for your curly hair becomes most natural and healthy curls is what you always wanted & here is all professional advice for you. We offer a list of 5 tips for curly hair. Make sure that it will completely change your love for your curls.
1. Please Stop Straightening
We often used to change her hair style and by many measures. Those that are doing harm to the structure of the hair. If you love your curly hair, you should abandon the equipment and straightening products so you can get the best healthy curly hair is not compromised by the temperature.
2. Duong Deep Moisture
Moisturizing is the best key is one of the best ways to get the curls moist and healthy deep inside. It is important that you should do every day to every layer of your hair to be moisturized regularly and not dry.
3. Cat Trimmed Overly 6 -8 Weeks
The stylists will suggest that you come in every six to eight weeks. Your hair will grow gradually out that you can not accidentally take care of it as becoming weaker. Your curly hair will look worse slowly and looked lifeless. Once you have the habit of trimming hair regularly, you will see your hair looks healthier than ignoring it progresses.
4. Sleep on a Satin Pillow
When curly hair then the next day you may not feel it is still intact as recently as shape, you’ll probably see more curls stretch or tangle and become drier. But one of the ways to improve the situation of the damaged hair you should use a satin pillow while you sleep, when you want to protect your hair that you’re rolling around on the bed. It will be used to reduce friction and make the hair tangle limited.
5. Not Use Shampoos Containing Sulfates
Of all the useful habit, it is extremely important you will make a huge difference in my hair. Its effect will that bring you will never go back to the product for hair before. Please switch to a shampoo without sulfate as Deva Curl No-Poo. Because sulfate is a very harmful substance for hair drying and hair damage & alternatively, you can manually clean your hair with natural methods without the use of chemicals. Not hard to do this, take a weekend to learn. Your curls will be cherished and well cared for when you do not have to pay to the other useless shampoo.
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43 Superb Medium Length Hairstyles for an Amazing Look
Medium length hairstyles can look amazingly beautiful on every woman. They are especially suitable for the women with thick hair, – and if chosen and styled properly such haircut will add a spark to your appearance becoming the catcher of the delighted looks from all around.
Medium haircuts are perfect for those who got tired of wearing long hair but are hesitant of making too radical changes and getting a very short haircut. Such haircuts look classy, yet stylish, beautiful, yet bold.
There are varieties of mid-length haircuts, and every woman can choose the haircut that best fits her hair type. If your hair is too thick and you have problems with styling it, try shoulder length haircut that can help make your hair more manageable. No matter whether you have curly or straight hair, there is a haircut designed specifically for you.
Now, let’s have a close look at medium length hairstyles.
Click NEXT PAGE below to find great options in the gallery of classic pixie cuts, traditional bobs and trendy shag haircuts for those with long thick hair.
Medium length hairstyles can look amazingly beautiful on every woman. They are especially suitable for the women with thick hair, – and if chosen and styled properly such haircut will add a spark to your appearance becoming the catcher of the delighted looks from all around.
Medium haircuts are perfect for those who got tired of wearing long hair but are hesitant of making too radical changes and getting a very short haircut. Such haircuts look classy, yet stylish, beautiful, yet bold.
There are varieties of mid-length haircuts, and every woman can choose the haircut that best fits her hair type. If your hair is too thick and you have problems with styling it, try shoulder length haircut that can help make your hair more manageable. No matter whether you have curly or straight hair, there is a haircut designed specifically for you.
Now, let’s have a close look at medium length hairstyles.
Click NEXT PAGE below to find great options in the gallery of classic pixie cuts, traditional bobs and trendy shag haircuts for those with long thick hair.
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43 Awesome Rock Painting Ideas and Activities For Kids
I was overwhelmed, stressed and downright worn out. After dropping the kids off at school, I grabbed Jonah’s hand and asked him what he would like to do. I had high hopes that he wanted to do something that would make me forget about my worries for a little while.
His answer was “playground”, not a surprising answer. The surprising part might have been that I agreed to it. My to-do list was long, but I needed a break from running like a hamster in the non-stop wheel of no-progress. Off to the playground we went.
As we approached our neighborhood playground, I said a little prayer, as one does when nerves are shot and patience is worn thin by things not going as hoped. I simply asked for a sign that everything would be fine – that the Universe has us on the right track.
Jonah ran up to the teeter-totter, his favorite playground activity. He stopped suddenly, looked down, then up at me and then down again. He was waiting for approval from me to check something out.
There, on the ground, among the mulch, sticks and brown leaves was a ladybug. It wasn’t your average ladybug from the great world of insects. This was a perfectly round smooth rock, painted like a lady bug. The rock fit comfortably in Jonah’s toddler hand. He gave me the rock with the biggest grin.
The rock flipped over in my hand, exposing its other side. There, in bold black letters were the words: “This too shall pass.”
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These rock painting ideas and activities for kids are great for fine motor skills, nature play, and teaching kids about random acts of kindness.
“My City Rocks” Rock Painting Initiative:
The rock is part of a community effort taking off in cities across America – even throughout the world. People paint rocks and leave them in public places for others to find. Sometimes the rocks have inspirational messages, other times they are simply decorated to brighten someone’s day – as the ladybug did to me.
Are you wondering if your town has started this initiative? Go to Facebook and type in “(the name of your town) rocks” and look for a Facebook page with that name. We live in Jupiter and Jupiter Rocks! is a popular Facebook page where people share pictures of their finds. There are also posts left by the rock-painters, hinting of their rocks’ whereabouts.
All in all, this initiative is a wonderful way to bring the community together and teach kids the value of spreading unsolicited random acts of kindness. This summer, we will paint rocks and share them with unsuspecting neighbors, in hopes that our creations brighten their day.
I gathered a wonderful list of rock painting ideas and activities for kids (of all ages). Be sure to bookmark this page, so you won’t run out of inspiration – ever.
Easy Peasy and Fun shows you how to make precious Hedgehog Rocks and equally cute Rock Turtles (who knew rocks could look so positively lovable?) It’s hard to go wrong with pet rocks, and these Matchbox Stone Pets from Red Ted Art are completely doable and fun!
I just love how You Clever Monkey made these Farm Stones, and this Simple Spider Craft from Mother Natured promises a good bit of potentially messy fun.
People & Faces Rock Painting Ideas:
Putting faces on rocks comes to a whole new level with these Painted Rock People from Non Toy Gifts. I just love the hair! These Funny Stone Faces from Messy Little Monster crack me up! Kids and adults could entertain themselves for hours playing with these. The mix and match possibilities with these Rock People from You Clever Monkey are endless! What a great way to play the summer months away.
Crafts & Gifts Rock Painting Ideas:
There are so many precious and quite lovely ways to decorate rocks, to make them into the ultimate keepsakes, and treasured gifts. Personalize and embellish your garden and your friends’ and neighbors’ gardens with these Garden Markers by Adventure in a Box. These Rock Garden Markers from Crafts by Amanda are tailored to your herb gardens, and these Stone Plant Markers from Rainy Day Mum are really quite useful.
Making Zentangle Rocks from KC Edventures is sure to be an engaged activity for all ages, and will result in amazing gifts. For timeless appeal the Flag Rocks from Non Toy Gifts are both educational, and beautiful. Of course, Minion Rocks, well, rock. Especially these ones from Mum in the Madhouse.
Rock painting inspiration for kids of all ages. Story stones, counting math games, garden markers and funny faces on rocks - perfect for random acts of kindness, my city rocks project.
More Rock Painting DIY Crafts and Gifts for Kids to Make:
Everybody loves a good story, and when you combine it with an awesome rock painting idea, it’s a win win. For a really easy way to encourage creativity try DIY Camping Story Stones or Sea Story Stones by Crafts on Sea, Painted Story Rocks from Hand Made Kids Art and these super cute Penguin Story Stones by Adventures and Play.
Games & Activities Rock Painting Fun:
If you are looking for great ways to play, explore, create and learn with your kids this summer, these rocks painting games and activities are sure to be your go to boredom busters of the season.
These adorable peg people are also fun activities for kids of all ages!
Winter Gnome Peg People Awesome rock painting ideas and activities for kids. Frugal fun with mother nature, rainy day projects! Original article and pictures take site
40 Ways to Crafty Garden Made Fun A brand new book by uber crafter-gardener-blogger, Stephanie Rose of Garden Therapy [dot ca] will keep your creative juices flowing all year long.
The brand new book by fellow miniature gardener, Stephanie Rose of Vancouver, Canada, will need a permanent space next to your workbench. Garden Made: A Year of Seasonal Projects to Beautify Your Garden & Your Life will definitely keep your creative juices flowing and your workbench jam-packed with year-round inspiration.
The book is made up of 40 different projects that blend the joy of crafting with the fun of gardening. It’s divided into the four seasons although a lot of the projects can be done anytime and/or modified for an occasion or special holiday. The ideas range in difficulty, as well as the time needed to do them, so you can pick a project on a whim for a rainy Sunday afternoon or pre-plan for a more involved project to tinker with over a long weekend.
We miniaturized the Rock Spider Sculptures project found on page 124. Once the fine wire was twisted on the tiny rock, we put a dab of crazy glue on the wire-knot to keep them in place. When dry, bend the legs carefully half-way up with a flat-nosed pliers. Add a little flair at the tips of the legs like Stephanie recommended to. Way fun.
Stephanie has included something for everyone too: many of the projects can be easily adapted for children of all ages, like the Bird’s Nest Helpers or the Flower Pounding. And other projects, like creating a Four Element Candle Trough or a Trash-to-Treasure Solar Chandelier (my favorite!) can easily quench an advanced crafter’s thirst for a good DIY. Find more miniature projects inside the book that include Sand Art Terrariums, Hanging Glass Terrariums and more!
Being creative in all aspects of your life will make you more creative when you get down to the real work of miniature gardening. Besides, it’s really fun exploring full-sized project ideas, to see what fun you can work into miniature!
Stephanie uses full-sized teapots by drilling them (drilling instructions are in the book!) Miniaturize the idea with doll’s tea sets that don’t need drilling. The Sedum cuttings will last for a few weeks with a dash of water now and then. These would make really fun gifts for your dinner guests to take home. Or create a fun tea party theme for kids with this idea.
Stephanie is a renaissance woman that holds down a very popular website called Garden Therapy – a website chock-full of even more ideas for crafting with and for children, cooking, baking, canning, and just about anything that is cross-pollinated with the garden, food and crafting. Oh, and the beautiful photographs all through her book and her websites, yea – those are hers too. I told you she was a renaissance woman! And yes, I do stalk her around the Internet to see what she is up to. Lol! See more of her work here.
You know what you need to pull off a quirky and edgy style? It’s hair, right? Getting a short haircut is perhaps one of the boldest changes you can make with your hair. And if you end up detesting the look, all you can do is put on a head accessory and wait few months for your locks to grow back. Ah, well. Not when we are around!
We list out 50 such short funky hairstyles which you can look up. Happy reading!
1. Dual Toned Hair
Who can forget Cruella? Go ahead and do her hairstyle this Halloween.
2. Light Pink, Wavy Spike
Blond and a tinge pink, the combo is great and yes curl the thick hair in the front into a blunt, not sharp spike. The spike tends to be wavy.
The tips are great in purple and so is the style. The sharp flattered edges, with one side shaved give such a punk effect.
4. Dual Toned Buns
Equal shades, the dual tone with a hint of gray, and two rolled up buns like two short ponies. This is one of the most popular funky short hairstyles for women and is similar to that of the circus joker with an innocent shade.
5. Blue Medium Waves
The blue medium waves are a definitive statement here. Trim your hair to the medium length bob, have even edges and color it blue in the medium tone. This is neither to dark nor to light.
6. Shaved And Puffed
The sides here are shaved with a middle part raised in a medium puff. The rest of the hair is tied up in a high bun on the crown. The shade here is gray with a purple tinge and yes dark lips.
7. Multi Hued Sleek Bob
The sleek and straight style in bluish white hues with a darker tone of color near the roots is simply amazing! The makeup is in soft tones, in pink and the ensemble in black.
8. Multi Hue Short Bob
The bob is so cute in the muti-coloured tone. The red tone on the mouth goes very well with the high flowing hair. Looks like a sunny rainbow.
9. Purple Bob
Purple Bob is one the most common funky short hairstyles to try. Black attired with blue hued hair, and pink shadowed eyes. Nails in black with yellow jewels! Set right for the function.
10. Curled in Pink Tinged Bob
Get the bob cut and curl in the hair, color the tips pink. Gold and pink is the hue here. Glam it up with bright lips!
11. Perry Braided Blue
The blunt bob appears to exude a braided effect in blue hue. The braid effect is so symmetrical and perfect. In sync with the golden gown and pink lips color.
12. Flow Streaks in Dark Blue
The sea blue is amazing with the golden hued wavy locks. The curls are just so perfect and the streaks in blue go so much a team together. The deep set black kohl rimmed eyes and red lips just set the stage for this style.
13. Side Swept Hued Bounces
Gather all the hair on one side, wave them and curl them, here on one side, they all appear very voluminous. The hair is colored half length till the tips. The roots and crown is all black the natural color. Green and blue go so well with jet black hair. Pair it with black eyes and soft pink lips.
14. Katy Perry Blue Tinged Bob
The blue tinged bob is trimmed evenly. But one side is curled out while the other is rolled in. The curls are opposite to each other on either side. Blue eye shadows, nude pink lips do the trick here. The sequenced transparent white net dress compliments the style and the makeup.
15. Shaded Blue
Shaded blue hairstyle or a wig we don’t know. But it is cute and stylish. Yellow flicks in the eyes and blue curls on the hair! Colorful and attractive!
16. Pink Blunt
Do a side part in the blunt bob, with the edges curled in, color in pink undertone. Go with a nude pink make up.
The style involves medium length hair just above the chest. Wavy edges in Pink do a French braid at the front and on one side, secure it with pins. Leave the rest of the hair open.
18. Hued Fringes and Edges
The edges are of the same tonne as the rim of the fringes. This gives a very symmetrical linear appeal.
19. Pink Punk
This style is punk and hep. With a hues pixie and upper lip piercing, flicked eyes, the look is right for a rock star.
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20. Fountain Head
The hair comes down like a fountain! Back combed with all the curls falling in front, the pose is that of a ‘As if I am the Fountain Lady’! The hues of soft pink and gold blend in perfectly with the dress.
21. Pink Mohawk
This is a very bold style, only for the strong girls. Want to carry this look, put in the entire attitude you have got and then go ahead. Shave the hair from both side and get the pink flame Mohawk.
22. Red Bob
Get a bob cut with long bangs in the front and color them bright red.
Burgundy colored crop, the style is windy and wavy. The bangs are smaller in the front and bigger away from the face.
25. Spikes
The spikes resemble a Hydra, if you studied biology! But at the same time fun and unconventional. Red lips are just so stunning!
26. Mickey Pink Buns
Style your hair with these cute two buns in pink hue at the back. Do a side or a zigzag part for a funkier affair.
27. Wave Cut
The gel effect is giving a distinct character to this style. Gelled and wavy, the hair seems to stick to each other.
28. Platinum Sharp
The sharp and pointed platinum spikes are vivacious as the smile. Do have fun when wearing this style. The front long bangs helps to make the style grounded.
29. Tousled Wob
Actress Jennifer left her long wavy hair behind and opted for a playful, tousled wob – a wavy bob. An impressive hairstyle for thick hair, this baby bob is pleasant and flirty, with wavy layers and loads of texture.
Recreate this low maintenance hairstyle by applying a texture spray first. Now, wrap the hair loosely around a big barrel curling wand, which is at least 1.2 inches in diameter, and leave the ends out so that they do not curl. Set the glamorous and chic hairdo with spritzing a light-touch hairspray.
30. Side Shaved Quiff
12 Years a Slaveactress Lupita Nyong’o delighted us with her quirky side shaved updo. If you’re looking to make a bold statement, take inspiration from Lupita and wear your hair in a sexy quiff, sans the shaven sides.
To duplicate her look, gather hair from the sides and gel it back so that only the top section of hair remains. With the help of a brush, tease hair at the crown, and make use of plenty of hairspray to keep it edgy and bouncy.
If you are looking to update your boring hair color to something totally different and bold, then Kelly Osbourne is your inspiration to follow. Here we see the beloved singer and presenter sporting a spiked purple hair. A perfect style to balance out a round face, the hairstyle needs a firm hold hairspray to keep it in place all day or night. Make sure you try some wacky colors like the fiery red, platinum blond, bright blue, or even the newest hottest trend – pastel ombre!
32. Slicked-Back
Demure, gorgeous and unpredictable – adjectives you might use to describe Emma Watson and her slicked-back hairstyle. The Harry Potter actress paired her hairstyle with a dramatic smoky eye nestled with flecks of gold in the corners of her eyes.
With a side parting, this perky hairstyle is contemporary and easy to style. Start working with a strong-hold gel into hair from the crown sideways, teasing hair for a tad bit extra volume. Keep your hairstyle in place with a mousse, and you’re good to go!
33. Edgy Pixie
This is one of Rihanna’s best looks when it comes to funky short hairstyles if you ask us. Short, quirky and supremely hot. A flattering look for people with a heart-shaped face, we love how the warm, black shade brings out Rihanna’s natural glow. However, what really draws our attention to Rihanna’s style is how short her hair is cropped – bringing that extra dimension and accentuating her stunning facial features.
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34. Classic Bob
Lost Actress Evangeline Lilly updates her long curly hair (remember fugitive Kate Austen?) with this fabulous classic, rounded bob with side-swept bangs. Cut to just the right length, Lilly’s simple, classic bob neatly frames her small, delicate features perfectly and makes the most of her stunning jawline. What further draws our attention are her side swept bangs that are equally flattering for her face shape, as they hide Lill’s upper corner forehead. The actress paired her natural locks with minimal eye-makeup and peachy lips for a romantic final touch. All in all, Lilly has chosen the most stylish and funky hairstyles for short hair for her elegant features.
35. Playful Pixie
We absolutely love this look on Charlize Theron. The actress rocks her signature pixie crop with perky and dynamic curls. An ideal short hairdo for oval-shaped faces, the style balances out a heavy jawline with some extra volume on top.
To get Charl’s playful and romantic hairstyle, start by preparing your hair for styling with volume boosting gel and styling mousse; make sure the hair gel is applied with your fingertips. Now, blow-dry throughout your hair with a small round brush, teasing it at the crown. Once you’ve styled it, mist it with some light, non-greasy hairspray.
36. Coiffed Updo
Actress Rachel Wood looks smoking hot with her pixie cut styled in a short updo. The Thirteen actress sports sexy, dynamic waves at the top of her head, and her blond hair is pinned back at the sides for a polished finish.
For Rachel’s edgy-yet-gamine hairstyle, work volumizing mousse into your short tresses with your fingers, giving them depth and natural texture. Use some strong-hold hairspray to keep them in place all night long. Rachel further gives her look extra glam with nude makeup and pink lips. Perfecto!
Beautiful actress Kimberly Wyatt sports a shaggy pixie cut with longish bangs covering most of her forehead. This dynamic and unstructured hairdo creates a strong contrast with her refined makeup that further accentuates her sharp facial features well.
What adds glam to her low maintenance, effortlessly cool look is her delicate silver headband. Although it’s not technically an updo, this pixie cut is one of the greatest funky short haircuts for adding some glamor. For extra impact, use a volume boosting gel and style the look. Next work some texturizing mousse into your bangs with your fingers for a soft and romantic touch.
38. Bob With Side-Swept Bangs:
Songstress Solange looks très chic with her short bob and blunt bangs. This glamorous modern bob is well suited to thin, straight hair, and it’s easy to perfect with a flat iron and some high-shine serum. Match this super-easy look with sultry, subtle eye makeup, flawless makeup, and matte finish nude lips for extra impact.
And there you have it – amazing short, celebrity looks for short funky hairstyles! If you have any suggestions, feel free to write to us by commenting in the box below.
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32 Terracotta Pot Hacks to Liven Up Your Home and Garden
Terracotta pots are my favorite containers to use in the garden. They are inexpensive, available in many different sizes and shapes, and made from natural materials. Even if you use them as is, terracotta pots add beautiful color and texture to any type of potted plant.
Did you know how versatile terracotta pots are? There are some pretty creative terracotta pot hacks out there! Sure, they were made for holding plants, but wait until you see what people have made from them! Here’s a myriad of ideas on how to use terracotta pots in your home and garden.
Tired of just scattering your terracotta pots around the patio? Then stack them! Creating a “tipsy” stack is easier than you think. Tipsy pots allow you pack in a lot of plants in a small space as well as provide vertical interest in a garden.
Keep the critters out of your vegetable patch with this lovely scarecrow maiden.
Add a charming lighthouse to your flower garden. It only takes a few supplies to whip up this quick project.
This fountain would make a tranquil water feature in any garden.
A great way to re-purpose a broken pot is to turn it into a fairy garden.